Monday, 3 October 2016

Prelim Planning - Costume

Image result for nail varnish fadeFor the costume of the Prelim task our group had to choose 3 different costumes as at different points 3 different people appeared, for the hand tapping shots we used one person to keep the style the same, we got the actor to wear nail varnish (like the photo on the left) with a faded effect, we did this to show the actor was a female as you can't see the persons face or body and also to get them to slightly blend into the background of the tapping shots.

For the actor doing the tapping shots with their feet we asked them to wear bright boots and leggings with a black and white theme to make the shoes stand out of the shot, we also asked the actor to try and wear big looking shoes to empathise the effect more in the shot. There is also a shot at the end where the same actor who has the white shoes on is wearing a different pair that flashes between me lip syncing and her walking down the stairs in time with the music, we asked her to use high black heel shoes to try and show a sophisticated look while walking down, the black was dark against the stairs but allowed us to use an effect called Prism effectively showing the shot in various different colours.

For the shot I was in lip syncing I kept my style black and white with a with a black adidas top and a black bomber jacket, I also wore black skinny jeans and black trainers, this worked effectivly against a low lighting background to make my face and my lips stand out more.

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